About the school
St Edward's School is an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 13 to 18 years lt is a charitable trust administered by a board of governors. The school was established as a Christian foundation in 1863 and moved to the present site in 1873.
The school comprises two departments: senior and sixth form. Boarding accommodation is located on the school site and on the playing field site opposite the school. There are twelve boarding houses, each run by a housemaster or housemistress.
Since the previous inspection the school has developed a new music centre.
what the school seeks to do
The school aims to promote a warm, happy atmosphere with generosity of spirit and a willingness to be engaged. It seeks to develop: intelligence and curiosity; creativity and innovation; integrity and honesty; resilience and enthusiastic participation; moral courage; a sense of compassion and service; and understanding and respect for, other people and the human condition.
About the pupils
Pupils come largely from professional and business families and from a wide range of social and ethnic backgrounds. Nationally standardised test data indicate that the ability of senior pupils is above average and that of sixth form pupils is broadly average. The school has identified 67 pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, two of whom receive additional learning support. No pupils have a statement of special educational needs, or an education, health and care plan. There are 116 pupils who have English as an additional language, 22 of whom receive additional support for their English. The school has identified over 140 pupils as being the most able or having a particular talent and the curriculum is modified for them.