The Faculty welcomes students from Years 10 to 13.
Students in the Faculty follow a varied and bespoke programme of learning which provides a high-quality education. The flexibility of the curriculum allows students to follow an academic route, more creative and vocational options, or a combination of both. The mainstream curriculum in the Faculty comprises GCSE, A level and a range of BTEC courses in both Key Stages 4 and 5. These provide a broad, stimulating and challenging range of qualifications that cater for the needs of each individual.
Throughout their studies all students have access to a strong network of pastoral and academic support including Tutors, Heads of Year, and Academic Learning Mentors. Students are taught responsibility and resilience, and challenged to achieve at the highest level.
The majority of Faculty students move on to university and specialist courses at high ranking institutions both in the UK and abroad. Popular destinations include the colleges of London University, Warwick, Exeter, and Durham, and overseas at Swiss, French and US universities. Due to the breadth of skills and abilities in the Faculty, students choose to study a wide range of subjects or, in a smaller number of cases, move straight into employment having secured apprenticeships. The Careers Department provides extensive support for all students and staff are experienced in all progression routes, to support each student as they follow their individual educational journey and into their chosen career pathway.
Beyond the classroom, enrichment provision is varied, including General Studies in Year 12 and the optional Extended Project Qualification. The co-curricular programme is extensive and there are many educational visits and residential trips on offer, such that students can experience aspects of life and education beyond the school campus. Students are given the opportunity to develop and demonstrate leadership skills and contribute to the wider QE community through Peer Mentoring, within Prefect roles, through many outreach and charitable activities and as members of the various school councils.
The Faculty is very proud of its students and the young adults they become. Faculty students enjoy great success in their sporting, creative, and academic endeavours. They leave us ready to face the challenges and opportunities ahead as confident, mature and well-rounded citizens, with very bright futures.
Ms Erica Papaglimis