About the school
Oundle Schoolis an independent co-educational day and boarding school for pupils aged between 11 and 18. The school was founded in 1556, is governed by Royal Charter through a board of governors and has supportive links with the Grocers' Company. There are 14 boarding houses and two day houses, spread across the town of Oundle. Since the previous inspection, a new sports centre has been opened and the science and technology building has been completed.
During the period March to August 2020, the whole school remained open only for children of key workers. No boarders remained on site. During this period of closure, the school provided remote learning materials for all pupils.
In the interests of infection control during the COVID- 19 (coronavirus) pandemic, inspection evidence was gathered partly remotely and partly on-site to reduce contact within the school setting.
In line with the direction given by the Department for Education (DfE) at the time, no evaluation has been made of the nature or effectiveness of any provision made during the period March to August 2020, including its impact on pupis' leaming, achievement or personal development. Any concems relating to pupils' welfare during this period which directly relate to measures implemented by the school have been considered.
During the lockdown periodof January to March 2021, all pupils otherthan the children of keyworkers or vulnerable pupils received remote le arning provision at home, or with guardians in the case of
In 2020 public examinations were not held. For pupils who would have been expected to take these examinations, centre-assessed grades were awarded.
What the school seeks to do
The aims of the school are to nurture global contributors, to deliver a dstinctive and outstanding education that prepares children for their adult lives, and to be associated with the very best of twenty-first century boarding and day education.
About the pupils
Roughly threequarters of pupis are fll-time boarders, with 22 nationalities represented. National standardised tests indicate that the ability profile of the senior school and the sixth form is above average.
The school has ientfied 215 pupils as having special educational needs and/or disabilties (SEND), which include dyslexia and dyspraxia, all of whom receive additional specialist help. English is an additional language (EAL for 15 pupis, whose needs are supported by their classroom teachers and other specialist teachers. Data used by the school identifes those pupils who are more able in the school's population: their needs and those of other pupils with special talents in sport, drama and music are provided for via a variety of extension opportunities on an individualised basis.