Radley College is an independent full-boarding school for boys between the ages of 13 and 18.The
school is overseen by a board of governors, known as the Council.
Pupils are accommodated in one of ten boarding houses, with an additional boarding house currently
under construction together with refurbishment of the science department to deliver new physics andchemistry laboratories and a lecture theatre.
What the school seeks to do
The college aims to inspire boys to become outstanding young men, who embrace the core values of
the Christian qualities of humanity, which are compassion and understanding of others. lt seeks toprovide an educational opportunity relevant in a world of technology and expanding diversity, culturesand attitudes. The college endeavours to create global citizens of the future, who care for and aboutothers in all circumstances.
Pupils come from a wide range of business or professional families. Nationally standardised test data
provided by the school indicate that the ability of the pupils is above average.The college hasidentified 128 pupils as having special educational needs and/or disabilities(SEND), including dyslexiaand dyspraxia, 102 of whom receive specialist support. No pupils have a statement of SEND or aneducational, health and care (EHC) plan. English is an additional language (EAL) for 30 pupils, 8 ofwhom receive specialist help with their English language skills. Data used by the school has identified150 pupils as being the most able in the school's population, and the curriculum is modified for them.