About the School
Stover School is an independent, academically non-selective, co-educational day and boarding school for pupils aged 3 to 18 years. A board of governors act as trustees for the school, which is a registered charity.
The school comprises four departments: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), preparatory school, senior school, and sixth form. There is one boarding house, situated in the schoo's main building.
A new head of the preparatory school was appointed in September 2019 and a new nursery managerin September 2018. A programme of refurbishment to teaching areas, sport and performing art sfacilities and boarding accommodation has taken place over the last four years.
What the school seeks to do
The school aims to provide education which nurtures, celebrates, challenges and inspires each pupil. lt seeks to combine what it sees as a progressive research-based curriculum, with a resilient moral code based on sound family and Christian principles. The school endeavours to enable pupils to be confident, independent, and able to adapt and succeed in a changing world.
About the pupils
Pupils come from a diverse range of working family backgrounds. Most pupils live within a 45 minute-drive of the school, though a number travel from farther afield. Data provided by the school indicatethat the ability of the pupils is broadly average compared to those taking the same tests nationally. The school has identified 147 pupils as having special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) of various types including dyslexia and processing difficulties, 48 of whom receive additional specialist help. Five pupils have an education, health and care (EHC) plan. Twenty-seven pupils speak English asan additional language (EAL), nine of whom receive additional support for their English. The curriculum is modified for pupils whom the school has identified as the most able in the school's population.